KONNEK Profitability Calculator

This calculator will help you estimate the additional profits you can generate by establishing better customer connections and customer experience.
Remember that repeat sales (i.e. from existing customers) are far more profitable and that Parts, Consumables and Special Services (PCS) sales are usually sold at much higher margins.

What are your annual sales? i Please enter your total annual sales to calculate profitability increase. Go with your best estimate.


What are your parts, consumable and special services sales (PCS) ? iIf your business is to sell or maintain equipment, systems or products, you are probably selling replacement parts, consumables and other value-added services (PCS) to your customer base. These sales are usually at much higher margin than your regular business and you should want to increase them. Please enter your total PCS sales (or use the slider) here to calculate your profitability increase


What is your margin on new equipment sales? iMargin for equipment, systems and regular maintenance services varies from 5 to 30% and rarely above 40%. What is the average margin you enjoy on equipment and regular services?


What is your margin on PCS sales? iSelling Parts, Consumables and Special value-added services is always more profitable than your regular business. Margin for these sales are usually between 40-80% margin. If you have this type of sales, please enter the average margin you get for these.


Your ratio of PCS sales to total sales is: iThe higher the ratio is the better. The best companies will be above 30%, the average is around 15%. Are you above or below average?

Your current total margin is: iThis is how much total margin your business generates today. Want to do better?

3 ways to make / save money with KONNEK

1 - Enter the PCS sales increase you can estimate you can reach. iHow much do you think you can increase your PCS sales if you start using KONNEK and implement a good aftermarket strategy? Please enter the increase in % you want to reach. If above 100%, just type it in the field.


2 - With an improved Customer Experience you will see an increase in new product/equipment sales. iWhen you provide a better customer and aftermarket service your customers are more likely to buy again from you. What is the increase, in % you think you can reach with a better customer service?


3 - Because you now have a more efficient Customer Service department you will save. iYou know how it works… customers call but you don’t have the information readily available. You search and call back, play telephone tag to finally realise you are not talking about the right product and start over. With KONNEK there is no more searching, no more guessing. How much money would that save you?


Your total sales are now: iYou have increased your regular equipment an/or services sales and your parts, consumables and special services sales to this new value. Congrats!

Your total margin is: iYou have increased you margin total to this value. Excellent!

Your OPEX savings are: iYou have saved on your Operating Expenses by being more efficient. Good job!

A total positive impact: iThis is how much more money you managed to send directly to the bottom line by being closer to your customer using KONNEK.

KONNEK's cost is less than 0.5% of total sales*

iIn most cases you would invest a lot less than 0.5% of your sales to fully benefit from KONNEK™ SaaS. Contact us to run these numbers using your specific environment.

The NET extra margin generated by each dollar you invest in KONNEK is: iThis is how much more money you generate, after paying for KONNEK, for every dollar invested in KONNEK. Can you invest in a better project? Investing in your customers is always the best investment you can make.